catlin haleI give full credit to my Mommy for my interest in music and the arts. Although I was raised in a small town, population under 500, in South Central Illinois, she made sure I was exposed to the surrounding major cities of St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City and Indianapolis. These cities were hot beds of Jazz, Blues and Classical with the finest musicians ever. From as far back as I can remember, she put me to bed every night playing from her extensive collection of records booming out wonderful tunes from the living room down the hall. I would listen as long as I could before dreamland would take over.

Once I reached my early teens I started hearing tunes and melodies coming through me. So many at first I could not disconcern if I was hearing familiar tunes from the radio or if these were new notes not yet recorded. I started writing the lyrics and the music as I heard them with most of them coming in complete forms with the songs already finished. My biggest challenge was keeping a recorder nearby to be able to sing out what I was hearing and to find a nearby napkin or scrap paper to quickly write out the lyrics. I have hundreds of tapes and scrap paper with finished original songs just waiting to be heard. It is a fun “gift” but a challenging one since there are more songs than time to produce and record them all.

In 2004 I finally made the jump to Nashville, TN. I wanted to be surrounded by the many talents and energy that this great city offered. They say if you want to be successful with your passion and talents then surround yourself with mentors and the things you love. I love the south, its people, the great food and the thrill of Music City and its songwriters. I decided to settle in and become a “local”.

I now spend my days either working out of my home studio or my many friends’ commercial studios providing professional voice-overs and recording and producing the original songs along with my favorite Jazz Standards.

My songs are available as CDs or individual downloads. Some fans have requested the lyrics so I h ave included them too and will soon be offering them in poem form for the story readers out there. If you would like to learn more about my journey and stay up on all the happenings and news you are welcome to join my newsletter. I promise to keep it exciting!

I appreciate all the fans and the kind support through your emails and purchases. Thank you for listening and sharing the news about my music! If you would like to swap links with me just send a note.

catlin hale

© Copyright 2024 Bliss Road Music. All rights reserved. Be A Lover Not A Looter – Don’t Steal Music